Sections in Scouting
District Cub Hike at Beecraigs, October 2022

4-6 years
Squirrels is aimed at our youngest age group. Sessions are packed with outdoor activities, fun, games and badgework.

6-8 years
Beavers is all about having fun, making friends and learning new skills. Beavers can go camping and love to explore outdoors.

8-10½ years
Cubs encourage youngsters to acquire new skills, try new activities and go on outdoor adventures. Cubs can work towards lots of badges and awards.

10½-14 years
Scouts allow young people to develop skills, make new friends and explore the world around them. Scouts are encouraged to help others in their communities.

14-18 years
Explorers enable young people to develop their independence and confidence by exposing them to more challenging activities and outdoor pursuits.